Monday, January 26, 2009

Sweet Guantanamo (#16)

"... including sugar free desserts for our health conscious guests..."


(Horizon Casino Resort, Lake Tahoe, CA)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Limantour and Tomales Bay (with my dad)

I have books I've been given, books I found at the free bookstore in Point Reyes, Buddhist books, plus The New Yorker, Mother Jones, Surfer's Journal... all in some state of reading...

My dad is here visiting for two weeks. Click pics below to see what came out of our trips up to Limantour and, a few days later, to Tomales Bay (then hit F11 for full screen).


Monday, January 5, 2009

Jus' Breathin' --- Great Transference (continued)

A few days around Dec. 31st, I was wandering in and out of the house, amazed by the sunlight and everything in it. There were chocolates, a pair of jeans, a sock, some books, veggies, a poem by Milarepa... and an odd novel by Kenneth Patchen. On Dec. 31st, Sarah and I drove down to Los Gatos - on the way, I took a picture of a highway overpass. Click the pic above to see s'more.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Just sitting...

... in my spot at sundown, on a road that might be "Mistle", near Brownell's cute little house. A few more funny faces came up, breaking some inner stillness.

(click pic for sit-spot views)