Wednesday, November 19, 2008

3pm - waiting for Walter C. Breeze

The Walter C. Breeze project calls for an explanation. And, as such, it becomes a project - simply by attempting definition. Until then, it's just another name in the wind.

Walter Breeze appeared in the vast expanse between my earlobes last night. Looking at a Groove Salad playlist, I came upon a song titled "Water Breeze" but my mind saw "Walter Breeze". Interesting name. Right under that song was another, by Canadian artist Dino Pacifici. Facebook status - "Keith is still awake, in the memoirs of Dino Pacific and Walter Breeze".

Today, Dino left the expanse, or so it seemed. Quietly. It seems he rolled down the hill with the engine off so as not to wake anyone up. But now Walter C. Breeze (Sea Breeze) lingers on, at least until 3 pm when we are to meet, for the first time, at my house for afternoon tea.

(while-u -wait: these just in, click above - Bolinas Lagoon)

*connection to the Pacific frontier.

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